old bazaar in skopje Macedonia from Dancers Road Blog

On our last day of our trip to Macedonia we visited the Capital; Skopje. It was a very bright and sunny day and even though we had only a couple of hours there, we saw quite a bit of this very raw looking but friendly city. We had a great time relaxing near the river and counting all the statues of animals and famous people that are everywhere. One of the highlights for me was visiting the Old Bazaar with lot’s of little antique shops, mosques and tea houses were they sold Turkish tea which brought back memories from our trip to Istanbul last year. I was very keen on buying something because I saw so many beautiful old jewellery and textiles but The old bazaar is a tourist attraction as well as a bazaar and that is felt in the prices they ask for their ‘antique’. So instead of buying something I just took lot’s of colourful pictures as a souvenir.


old bazaar in skopje Macedonia from Dancers Road Blog

Old Bazaar in Skopje from Dancers Road Blog

old bazaar in skopje Macedonia from Dancers Road Blog

old bazaar in skopje Macedonia from Dancers Road Blog


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Traditional Macedonian Interior from the Museum of Ethno Culture Macedonia from DancersRoad blog

Being a hug admirer of everything folk I’m really at the right place at the moment (still in Macedonia). There are colourful patterns everywhere around me here and lot’s of handmade textiles on the walls, ground, chairs and couches. Tomorrow we’ll visit Ohrid and hopefully there will be time to visit the Museum for Ethno Culture in Resen. These images of traditional Macedonian interiors come from their website and I would really love to see them in real life. The furniture is beautiful and I love the mixture of  textiles and how every individual item is different and unique yet it all fits together. Decoration with so much eye for detail <3.

Traditional Macedonian Interior from the Museum of Ethno Culture Macedonia from DancersRoad blog

Traditional Macedonian Interior from the Museum of Ethno Culture Macedonia from DancersRoad blog

Traditional Macedonian Interior from the Museum of Ethno Culture Macedonia from DancersRoad blog

All interior pictures in this post belong to the Museum for Ethno Culture in Resen. The Museum is open every day and shows a wide range of Macedonian folklore.

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Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

This last week of my summer holiday I spent with P. in Macedonia, an absolute beautiful country that I instantly fell in love with. The nature here and the landscapes are magnificent and very impressive. There are green forests, wild mountains and many many wild animals, from little lizards to bears and lynxes. The flowers and plants are beautiful and grow everywhere, because the climate gives them both sun and rain. But what I really love is that it’s quiet everywhere.

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog

Flora from Macedonia photo from DancersRoad blog


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Macedonia, Treskavec Monastery and Church

For a while now I’ve been dreaming about going to Macedonia. I want to go there for a couple of different reasons such as; the landscape, the food, the folk culture, the mountains and the traditions. But it started with me overhearing a conversation of someone who had been there. I’m already a fan of the Balkan I visited Croatia, Bulgaria and Slovenia and I loved it. At home I looked the places she named up on the internet and I was sold. I had to go there. Paul wasn’t so sure at the beginning so it took a while to convince him to go there with me on holiday but I stuck to my guns on this one and now we’ve booked! Yay! We are going there in August, to Mavrovo to be exact, were I found the perfect hotel in the mountains. In the mean time I look at pictures on internet as you can see. Can’t wait to show you my own pictures!





PHOTO CREDITS: folk costume photo’s come from here and here. The landscape photos come from here. And the photo with the horse comes from here.